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Tuesday, April 23, 2019 (19:00 - 21:00) GMT+8

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Metro Room, 2nd Floor, Ascendas Innovation Place, No. 686 Jiujiang Road, Huangpu District 上海市黄浦区九江路686号,腾飞元创大厦
Shanghai, China

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Michael Norris (Research & Strategy Manager at Agency China)

Michael Norris

Research & Strategy Manager at Agency China

Michael Norris is a China-focused ethnographic researcher and trend analyst, based in Shanghai. He offers primary research and consulting services to luxury, skincare, tourism, electronics and nutrition brands from Europe, North America, China and Australasia. He has previously partnered to deliver breakthrough insight and consumer-facing strategies for Nestle, Budweiser, Harbin Beer, Bose, Unilever, Shell and Tiffany. Over the past twelve months, Michael has partnered with both local Chinese and overseas brands to better understand the opportunities New Retail presents.

Luke Chen (君挚联合(JZ Union)联合创始人、总经理、互联网零售项目总监)

Luke Chen

君挚联合(JZ Union)联合创始人、总经理、互联网零售项目总监

澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学(University of Tasmania)在读博士研究生,2012年毕业于塔斯马尼亚大学计算机专业硕士学位(Master of Computing)。
读研和读博期间,曾在塔斯马尼亚大学担任教授助理,参与了澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究组织(CSIRO)主导的海洋传感器网络技术研究和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)火星探测计划土壤波普数据的分析研究,参与了院电子物流实验室(e-logistics lab)的卡车司机疲劳监测系统的研发与数据分析。
在互联网、大数据行业有较为丰富的工作经验,曾在澳大利亚商业智能行业上市公司RXP Services任高级咨询师、软件工程师等职务,多次参与和主导过政府、非政府组织和大型公司的商业智能决策支持系统的研发。
成为君挚联合(JZ Union)联合创始人后,主要负责公司规范治理实践和“互联网零售服务链”中的核心功能模块—“智募千眼”互联网零售智能决策系统的构建和研发:利用动态数据模型,为互联网零售中的各项活动(选品、商品组合、推广测算、盈利预测、营销管理、运营管理等)提供及时、有效、可靠的决策支持。

Emmy Teo (CEO & Co-founder of Fuse)

Emmy Teo

CEO & Co-founder of Fuse

Emmy Teo is the CEO and co-founder of FUSE, a new retail tech startup that brings experiential pop-ups to alternative retail locations. An active contributor to the Shanghai and Singapore startup eco-systems, she frequent mentor startups in startup weekends and various universities. Recently selected as one of the only two startup founder to join the exclusive Blackbox Connect 14 powered by Google Entrepreneurs Program in Silicon Valley. She also founded Top 5 ranking fashion app FASHORY in Southeast Asia in 2016, with over 200+ unique designer brands. Before, she worked in various major internet company including NHN (Naver & LINE), The9 Limited, Red 5 Studios and Singtel InSing. As a digital strategist, she successfully launched over 5 apps achieving top rankings in the multiple Apple appstores and Google play stores across Asia.

Robin Chan (Entrepreneur/Co-Founder of Eatis & NEO Food Company.)

Robin Chan

Entrepreneur/Co-Founder of Eatis & NEO Food Company.

Robin is an entrepreneur and co-founder of two startup companies: Eatis, a snack food E-commerce retailer and trading company, and NEO Foods Company, a product development venture. Prior to starting these ventures, he was a biomedical researcher studying Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disease.
