Membership Selection

Application Details

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Corporate Associate Membership
This is a 24 months membership
This membership includes 2 member slot(s)

Corporate Associate Member refers to any non-Malaysian or non-Chinese controlled or invested company, enterprise or other economic organization which has a legal presence in China, provided always that it shall show to the satisfaction of the Committee that it has a substantial nexus with Malaysia, in whom may apply to be a Corporate Associate member.

Membership Benefits

  • Company logo and profile on website under Corporate Membership Directory
  • Priority to attend the events and trips organized by other Chambers or Organizations
  • Priority to promote their businesses and services to members in MayCham China and other Chambers as well
  • Access to member only events and enjoy member prices at events
  • Priority invite to government related events    
  • Priority invitation for event sponsorship    
  • Collaboration opportunities to organize events that are aligned with objectives of MayCham China     
  • Access to exclusive event notes and presentations


Membership fee is not refundable and no member is allowed to use the MayCham China brand/logo to promote their company or for any other purpose without the express written permission of MayCham China. 

Application fee
Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

Refunds are not acceptable to members once payment completed.

Please contact or call 021-64158653 for invoice inquiry.