In conjunction with the Official Visit of YAB Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Deputy Prime Minister I and Minister of Rural and Regional Development of Malaysia, the Consulate General of Malaysia in Shanghai cordially invites Malaysian diaspora to the MAJLIS RAMAH MESRA WITH THE MALAYSIAN COMMUNITY AND STUDENTS IN SHANGHAI, with the details as follows:
Date: 26 May 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 12.00 pm - 2.00 pm (Registration starts at 11.00 am)
Venue: Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai
Please register through the QR code. Seats are limited.
Important Notice:
- This event is for MALAYSIANS Only.
- Registration is subject to security clearance and approval. An Invitation card will be issued to those who have been approved by the Consulate General of Malaysia in Shanghai. Please ensure all information required for registration is accurately completed and incomplete registration will be rejected.
- Attendees MUST bring along the INVITATION CARD and ORIGINAL PASSPORT for security clearance and to attend the event. Failure to provide any of the documents will result in non-admittance into the event.
- Please register only if you can attend. If you are successfully registered and not able to attend, pls inform us, failure to do so may result in you being omitted for future events. Priority will also be given to Malaysians who are registered with the Consulate Office.
- Priority will be given to Malaysians already registered with the Consulate office. If you have not done so, please download the file below and send the completed form with your photo to the Consulate office via email mwshanghai@kln.gov.my.