MayCham China in Shanghai will be organizing our annual Malaysia-China Business Forum together with the Malaysian government agencies, MIDA and MATRADE. This year's Business Forum will be held on 7th November 2023 at Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai.
This Business Forum is held annually and last year we had more than 100 business leaders attending the event. The aim of the Business Forum is to promote investment and trade with Malaysia. This year the focus will be the National Industrial Master Plan 2030 and at the same time to provide updates on Malaysia's economic climate, trends and investment in targeted industries. The program of the half-day Business Forum will include keynote speech and panel discussions involving government officials and industry leaders followed by an Appreciation Dinner for further networking amongst industry leaders and government officials.
We would like to invite our members and friends to join us for the Business Forum and Appreciation Dinner together. Limited seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign up now and see you all at the Malaysia-China Business Forum and Appreciation Dinner.
Date: 7th November 2023
Time: 13:00-18:00 (Forum)
18:30-20:30 (Dinner)
Venue: Shanghai Ballroom 3, Pudong Kerry Hotel
Dress code: Business Attire